A personal take on the world at large...

Ever watched CBS Sunday Morning? One of my favorites...

So I saw this today, all cleared from the western front of my state. I live in Victoria, a mere 30 miles from the coast. Plenty of days left to pursue my dream of catching the monster Red in my daily haul at the bay, yet far enough away to realize my South Texas fishing holes may leave some desires when it comes to conquering Old Man and the Sea.

It targets West Texas, but I would argue they were among the last to know about the clusterfuck called oilfield declines in my home state. Hell, I live in the Eagle Ford Shale region. We've been all about boom times over the last few years.

Still, I can't help but sharing how my dumb old ass found himself on unemployment. I worked at a local machine shop for 5 years. I paid my dues, respectively speaking. I caught plenty a bitch days behind a grinder during my days on the job.

On Jan. 18, I was told my job was no more, victim to the latest round of lay offs at my company. We had sent away all the fluff in months prior. The newest cuts would draw blood. It was my turn to take the walk of shame to the front door, toolbox in tow.

We made oilfield parts and equipment. At one time, we had 20-plus massive machines working day and night to craft such parts. The day I left, three. Cutbacks in oilfield operations had definitely hit home.

I was a quality assurance inspector for the parts we made. Now, I've lost jobs in shame. I switched jobs when times got tough. Never before had I worked my utmost best and been told to hit the road. There simply wasn't enough work to keep us all on board.

Sucks, I know, but life has a fucked up sense of humor, it seems.

I caught this particular broadcast today. Thought it worth the share...


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